Our Vision

Embark on a Journey of Unity: Kiva - The heart of Mother Earth

In the embrace of the Kiva, the sacred heart of Mother Earth, a powerful flame unites the mystery and magic passed down by our ancestors from the five continents. This spiritual instrument, revered by North American tribes from Mexico to Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado, was crafted by the Anasazi, first seen in a vision by Raymundo Tigre Perez*. It features a sacred circle with four altars aligned with the cardinal directions, connected to a central fire. The Kiva captures prayers, chants, and thoughts from all humanity, amplifying frequencies for a common purpose and manifesting incredible results in harmony with the spiritual world.

A Journey through Time and Continents:

Step by step, over 40 years, the Kiva has traversed three continents: America, Europe, and Asia. As of 2023, 715 diverse Elders of Ancestral Knowledge have gathered, sharing the sacred fire and preserving the ceremonies that connect our world. The time is now, at the dawn of 2024, to rally support for closing the Golden Circle with a sacred pilgrimage, a comprehensive journey of prayer and magic uniting the beings of the four colors of Mother Earth across the five continents. This pilgrimage seeks to bridge Africa and Oceania, relying on the support of all to achieve this wondrous, mythical spiritual milestone. It aims to restore balance to the energies of war, ambition, and power, revealing the hitherto hidden facet of humanity—a face that asks for others, immersed in powerful prayer straight to the heart of our human race. Learn more about this pilgrimage:  www.kiva.family

In the midst of this transformative journey, the Kiva ceremony will take place at the historic Prayagraj Maha Kumbha Mela, a pivotal moment that will amplify our collective prayers and aspirations for global harmony and healing, bringing together one of the world’s oldest living tradition and the world’s largest spiritual gathering – the Kumbha Mela – with the sacred Kiva ceremony, bridging the indigenous wisdom from across the world for the common dream of protection and preservation of Mother Earth and protection of our Sacred Rivers, the very lifelines of our civilizations.

Raymundo Tigre Pérez 

(1946 – 1995)


Raymundo Tigre Pérez, a revered Medicine Man and Holy Man of the “Red Path,” was raised in Texas and deeply immersed in the spiritual traditions of the Dinée Nations (Navajo) and the Lakota Sioux.

In 1968, during a Sundance Ceremony, Raymundo Tigre Pérez experienced a profound vision: he saw Mother Earth mourning the separation of her children from their traditions and the sacred crafts she had bestowed upon each nation.

In this vision, the Earth opened up to reveal a circle with a central fire. From all directions, beings of diverse origins, colors, and races approached the fire, offering prayers in their native languages and placing their offerings into the sacred flames. As Mother Earth witnessed her children reuniting in this sacred space, her sorrow transformed into joy, and she began to sing songs of healing and celebration.

Raymundo Tigre Perez

Raymundo Tigre Pérez dedicated his life to preserving and teaching the essence of Native American spirituality. He was a unifying force, bridging the gap between ancient traditions and contemporary societies. His passionate advocacy extended to fighting for the rights of Native American peoples and Latin American immigrants in the United States, ensuring that the wisdom and heritage of these communities were honored and preserved.

A new vision Unfolds:


I have been blessed to be part of organizing 8 Kiva ceremonies with Raymundo Tigre Perez and now have successfully led 84 Kiva ceremonies across the world. It brings me such joy and peace to see the vision unfolding and lighting the way to a more united planet with the immense power of prayer.

Then in 2019, Roots of the Earth was glad to call upon Parmarth Niketan who immensely supported us to host and organise the first ever Kiva at the Kumbha Mela ceremony, making this the first ever Kiva in the Kumbha Mela, bridging indigenous traditions from across the world to the world’s largest spiritual gathering of humanity, an incredible confluence of the sacred fire for the conservation of our holy rivers and forests of the world.

As we were in the midst of setting my intention for Kiva at the Maha Kumbha Mela in Prayagraj, India during 2025 for the second time, and our inaugural Kiva in Africa in 2025; in December 2023, on the winter solstice in Mexico, a powerful energy shook my senses. It was a call to halt the preparation of the Kivas in India and Africa, urging us to recognize the challenging times Mother Earth faces. A message from the spirits that the spiritual kingdom awaits a greater and more transcendent effort to restore true vibrational and energetic balance.


A call that Mother Earth, facing challenging times, requires a more significant and transcendent spiritual effort. A vision revealed a golden thread weaving through Europe, India, Australia, Africa, and South America, forming a circle that unites the five continents.

This vision calls for a unified spiritual journey to foster global harmony and sustainable living, lighting the way forward with ancient wisdom and collective action.

Heriberto Villaseñor

Heriberto Villaseñor
Swamiji (1)
Welcome Message to the Kiva Kumbha Mela and Prayagraj

Welcome to the sacred Kiva Kumbh Mela in the sacred city of Prayagraj, where the sacred waters of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati converge. This momentous gathering is a celebration of the profound spiritual traditions that bind us across continents and cultures. We are privileged to host the Kiva ceremony, a symbol of unity that aligns with our own Indian heritage.

The coming together of indigenous wisdom from around the world, including the rich traditions of India, reflects our shared commitment to nurturing the sacred bond between humanity and the Earth. It is a testament to our collective reverence for the timeless practices that guide us towards spiritual fulfillment and harmony.

As we join in this sacred convergence, let us honor the deep roots of our indigenous traditions, which have long cherished the interconnectedness of all life. By embracing these diverse traditions and celebrating their wisdom, we forge a powerful connection with the spiritual essence that unites us all. This Kiva Kumbh Mela serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards a more unified and harmonious world, where ancient wisdom and modern aspirations converge in mutual respect and understanding.

Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, President, Parmarth Niketan
Harnessing the Power of Indigenous Wisdom for Sustainable Solutions

Welcome to the Kiva Kumbh Mela, where we come together in a profound call to action. This historic event is not only a celebration of spiritual traditions but also a powerful opportunity to address the pressing challenges facing our planet.As we gather here, let us channel our collective energies into meaningful action for the protection of Mother Earth and our sacred rivers. The Kiva ceremony provides a unique platform for amplifying our prayers and intentions, transforming them into tangible efforts that foster global sustainability and environmental stewardship.

In this pivotal moment, let us draw inspiration from the sacred rituals and the wisdom shared by the diverse participants. By aligning our efforts with the global Sustainable Development Goals, we can make a significant impact on the health of our planet and the well-being of future generations. May the unity we experience here guide us towards transformative action, ensuring that our commitment to preserving the Earth’s sanctity and promoting a more compassionate world remains steadfast and impactful.

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, International Director, Parmarth Niketan